
Moving Text

Post 4

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create a moving text with shadows and colors and cameras and cool things and the video will be on my YouTube channel; So keep on reading!!

1. Creating text

First of all you need to create the text that you want.
Go to create panel on the top and click on the text option box,

After that type the text that you want and change the font if you want then select bevel,

After that just freeze the transformations for ease of use and center the pivot in the modify panel.

The for recording the moves of the text, key it by pressing S on your keyboard and make sure that auto-key is on,
 In this case all of the translations and everything will be keyed, if you want one of the translations or etc. just right click on the part that you want and select key selected,

Now your text is ready!

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